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Introduction to the working principles of chip Y capacitors and plug-in Y capacitors

2024-07-25 19:09:53

The working principle of the chip y capacitor is very similar to that of the plug-in y capacitor, and its capacitance function is achieved by storing charge.

A capacitor is a component that stores charge independently of a dual conductor, and the relationship between the amount of charge and the potential is linear. When the capacitor potential increases, the charge also increases. Conversely, when the potential decreases, the charge also decreases. When the capacitor is charged by the power supply current, the capacitor is equivalent to a fully charged battery.

When the charge at both ends of the capacitor is balanced, the capacitor is equivalent to a capacitive element. Once the capacitor loses the power supply current, the charge stored in the capacitor is released and generates current until the charge inside the capacitor reaches equilibrium.
The difference between the chip y capacitor and the plug-in y capacitor lies in the difference in their internal structure and the location of use. The chip y capacitor is generally used to connect the capacitors between the components on the circuit board, and the plug-in y capacitor is generally used for manual soldering of circuit boards.
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