Brand origin Impressions of Weidy Honor Wall

Brand Culture

  • Integrity, Dedication, Teamwork, Innovation
  • Credit management, robustness and practicality, aggressiveness and innovation, multiparty multi-win
  • Integrity, professionalism, efficiency, every little thing from customers is a big deal for Weidy
  • People-centered, identify talents, foster talents, use talents, retain talents
  • Shenzhen Weidy Industrial Development Co., Ltd., like all great companies, was scattered in the humble world at the beginning of its birth. In a 5-foot square counter in Huaqiangbei, the original brand of Weidy Company was conceived. The hero originated among grasshoppers, and so did Weidy.

    Like all great companies, Weidy began its life as a small and little known entity. From a 5-foot square counter, the original brand of Weidy was conceived.
    Heroes originated from among ordinary people, so did Weidy. As the first generation of workers in Huaqiangbei in the 1990s,
    we only wanted to do a good job about electronic components at that time, doing what we do well and leaving our fate to God's plan.
    From a counter to a factory, it took Weidy 10 years to make a difference. Through 10 years of blood, sweat, and tears, sacrificing ourselves to support customers,
    Weidy has established itself as a a monumental brand in the field of film capacitors. Like a pawn crossing a river,
    Weidy has never taken a step back in the segmentation of film capacitors. Through bumpy roads, tears of sadness, and lofty dreams,
    although as if it were just yesterday, we have experienced 22 years of ups and downs.
    I think that there are still another 78 years before Weidy can become a century-old brand, in the long years ahead,
    Weidy, let's run!

    Brand core

  • With our persistent efforts and arduous enterprising spirit, Weidy is making a big difference in the capacitor industry

  • With our integrity, artisan spirit and original aspirations, Weidy will forge its dreams of revival

  • Brand Elements

  • It's easy to stick to something for just 1 day, but it's hard to persist for 22 years Weidy promises to remain unremitting in its efforts with film capacitors Through the changing seasons, difficulties, ups and downs Weidy has never changed its original aspiration
  • The buzzing operation of experimental equipment is just to make an important parameter constant The accumulation of time is just to verify the most realest results The unceasing effort over the years is just so that we have the confidence Seeing is more reliable than hearing, and practice is more reliable than seeing Weidy is your assistant all the way
  • Quality is the core of a company From materials to manufacturing procedures we make careful selections Quality first, proficiency is in the details Full participation, continuous improvement Weidy only provides the most satisfactory products for you
  • Caring about what others need is to consider the details that others can't think of Timely assistance requires a blend of freezing cold and fiery heat Weidy There is only a starting point in service but satisfaction has no end
  • To win the trust of others we must turn the knife to ourselves and give others the handle Humanity rewards sincerity; ethical business rewards faith Weidy has the most demanding requirements for itself, leaving customers with peace of mind Weidy wants to advance with you for 100 years
  • Brand History

    Huada Electronic was established
    The company was incorporated and officially named Weidy
    Started to manufacture film capacitors
    Weidy expands the scale of development dust-free workshop in Dongguan
    Awarded as a high-tech enterprise
    A subsidiary was established in India
    The second branch factory was expanded in Dongguan
    Weidy is experiencing steady advancement
    Mobile : +86-755-82565888
    E-mail :
    Address : 506-508, 5/F New Asia Electronic Town, Zhenzhong Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
    Scan code 5 seconds
    to quote
    Baidu Statistics CNZZ  
    Website production : Nine Degrees

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