How to measure the quality of metallized film capacitors

2024-07-25 19:54:39

Metallized film capacitors are a commonly used electronic component with advantages such as good stability, small error, wide operating temperature range, low noise, long life and small size. However, metallized film capacitors need to be sealed during the manufacturing process to ensure the sealing of the inside, thereby ensuring the reliability and stability of the capacitor. Capacitors are divided into good and bad. Today, Guangdong Film Capacitor Manufacturer will introduce to you how to measure the quality of metallized film capacitors. The quality of metallized film capacitors can be measured by the following methods:
1. Capacitance value measurement: Use a multimeter or LCR instrument to test the capacitance value, and compare the difference between the theoretical value and the actual value to determine the quality of the capacitor.

2. Insulation resistance measurement: Use equipment such as an insulation resistance meter to measure the insulation resistance between the two poles of the capacitor to check whether it meets the specified standards.

3. Leakage current measurement: Use a multimeter or a special leakage current test instrument to measure the leakage current of the capacitor to check whether it is within the normal range.
4. Life test: Put the capacitor in a temperature control box for high and low temperature alternating tests to simulate the environmental conditions during the use of the capacitor and check whether it can work stably for a long time.
It should be noted that different types of metallized film capacitors may require different measurement methods, which should be selected according to their categories and the manufacturer"s instructions. At the same time, when measuring, attention should be paid to ensuring the accuracy and stability of the test equipment and complying with the corresponding safety operating procedures.
The above is the measurement method of the metal film capacitor brought by the polyester film capacitor manufacturer. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you have metal film capacitor production and processing needs, you can contact Weidi Industrial!
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